27th January 2021

Tēnā rā o ngā pou o ngā kura o Kahui Ako o Taranaki Mohoao.  Greetings to our people in Taranaki Mohoao.

On Wednesday 27 January 2021 we held a Powhiri at Whakaahurangi Marae.  This was to welcome everyone into the rohe (area).  

This was part of the tikanga for us to show respect to Ngati Ruanui, Ngati Maru, and Ngā Ruahine.  They are the 3 Iwi we most affiliate to in our area (there are 8 Iwi in Taranaki).  

It was the intention that each Iwi will have a korero of their rohe / Iwi.  It was an opportunity for us to connect with Hapu and Iwi. Once we have established a relationship we are now able to have contact to ask questions and support for our Kura.

The Manawhenua (local people – Ahitahi -Hapu) will welcomed us onto the Marae.  They shared stories about how this area came to be, local waiata, and korero.  We want to build strong relations with our Manawhenua.

If we had new staff it was a chance to be welcomed into the area.  It was also a chance for us to make connections with Manawhenua and surrounding Iwi.