Raising achievement through enhanced transitions

Belief:  Through strong community bonds, shared understanding and trust, transitions between kura and educational levels will be successful for our akonga.

Our Theory of Improvement: Learners will benefit from more effective communication between teachers, leaders, whānau and students about all learners before, during and after transition to new schools and beyond. This will be most effective when it is embedded in shared knowledge, systems, processes; a connected, continuous and appropriately challenging curriculum; and shared events. 

Strategic Goal:   The communication between teachers, leaders, whānau and students about all learners before, during and after transition will be improved. There will be shared knowledge of systems, assessment, structures and events through each sector of our community. There is an agreed methodology for collecting data. Shared data is used and trusted to facilitate a smooth transition. Data is used to inform and reflect on kura practice.


Inorder to support this we have agreed on the following:

  • If a child transitions from ECE to ECE, ECE to Primary and Primary to Primary within our Kahui Ako we will complete the docs below and forward prior to the akonga starting, if we know in advance.  We will follow up with a phone call if we believe there is anything extra that needs to be discussed to assist everyone with a successful transition.
  • New Entrant teachers to ask whanau if they can view the portfolio from ECE.  This gives a great insight into the akonga prior to starting school.
  • Both our High Schools will begin the Year 9 transition process in Term 3 each year and will contact schools direct about processes.
  • Learning Support Coordinators can play a key role in assisting with transition between our kahui ako schools.

When a new entrant starts school in our Kahui Ako:


Children enrolled at school when 5 years old are classified as new entrants and will be classified as below.

Year One- If a 5 year old new entrant begins prior to 30 April these children are regarded as Year 1 from the outset and move to Year 2 after their first year at school.

Year Zero- If a 5 year old new entrant begins school on/after 1st May these children are regarded as Year 0 from the outset and move to Year 1 after the completion of their 1st year at school.

Transitions – Primary to Secondary – Our Journey

Belief: Through strong community bonds, shared understanding and trust, transitions
between schools and educational levels will be successful for our learners.

Primary to Primary Transition Form

A student transfer form for primary to primary within our Kāhui Ako. Please make a copy.

ECE to Primary Transition Form

A student transfer form for ECE to primary within our Kāhui Ako.
Please make a copy.

ECE to ECE Transition Form

A student transfer form for early childhood centre to early childhood centre within our Kāhui Ako. Please make a copy.