The beginning of our journey

Our original logo was chosen to reflect our four achievement challenges which began our journey together. As we worked together growing a greater understanding of our place and people, it became apparent we needed to gain community and iwi feedback around our name and logo.
Our New Name

Our New Logo

Our new logo was designed by a local Stratford designer, Kathryn Mischefski in 2019. The ribbon pays tribute to Taranaki (our maunga).
Our Waiata

Tēnā Koutou Katoa,
Nga mihi mahana ki te whānau o Kahui Ako o Taranaki Mohoao.
At one of our 2019 hui we had the pleasure of Rumatiki Timu (Ngati Maru) attend and compose a waiata for our cluster (Kahui Ako o Taranaki Mohoao). This was a humbling experience as he explained the thinking and meaning of the waiata. The coverage of our Kahui Ako is vast so for Rumatiki to encompase us all was no easy task. Below is the waiata and the meaning behind it. With this waiata we can go anywhere and use this waiata to support us and let others know where we are from. Different parts of the waiata relate to the different schools / rohe in our Kahui Ako. We are now tasked with the job of learning it and learning the different forms the waiata can take. Waiata can take several forms depending on the occasion – Oriori (lullaby), Pao (entertainment song), Patere (historical or genealogical tour), and Haka…
We will endeavour for all schools to learn the different formats so if we are all together we can sing it as a whole. We are currently crafting this into a video clip to put on our Kahui Ako o Taranaki Mohoao Website so watch this space.
Waiata (Ngeri)
Taranaki Mohoao…
Ka takatū nei i te ataata,
o te maunga nekeneke.
Ko ōnā muriwai, aku tongi kōrero
Mai Manganui ki Mangawhero.
Ka huri whakauta…
ki Whangamomona, tērā te hononga
ki te awa tupua.
Hokihoki pēnei mai, te Whakaihuwaka
Ki Makahu, Mangaehu ki Patea.
Ka ahu whakarunga…
ka ahu whakararo ki te ara tapuwae
o Ruaputahanga.
Tōnā puna roimata, tōnā puni pō tahi.
Titia tō piki amokura.
Taranaki Mohoao…
Purutia tō mana, whakamau rerepene
Mō te papa pōwira.
Pūtake whakarunga, pūtake whakararo
ki te Whai-ao, ki te Ao-marama.
Taranaki Mohoao, purutia tō mana
Itaita mau tonu Hi!
Waiata (Ngeri) – Translation
Central Taranaki community of learning is,
Driving education, underneath the shadow,
of the moving mountain,
whose backwaters form our district
from Manganui to Mangawhero.
I turn inland,
To Whangamomona, my connection
To the mystical river (Whanganui).
Returning to mount Humphries,
To Makahu, Mangaehu to Patea rivers.
I look to the heavens,
I look to the earth to the historical path
Of Ruaputahanga, Seeing her spring of tears
and her overnight resting place.
An uplifting source of courage & inspiration.
Central Taranaki
make your presence known, suitably equipped
and conditioned to your environment,
mentally and physically prepared
to take on the world.
Central Taranaki, make your presence known,
Permanently established