Tēnā rā o ngā pou o ngā kura o Kahui Ako o Taranaki Mohoao.
Greetings to our people in Taranaki Mohoao.
They are the 3 Iwi we most affiliate to in our area (there are 8 Iwi in Taranaki).
The iwi boundaries shown on the map are over-sim plified and are not intended as an accurate representation of iwi areas in Taranaki.
Ngati Ruanui
Te Kāhui Maru
Ko Taranaki te maunga
Ko Tokomaru te waka
Ko Awaroa te awa
Ko Ngati Maruwharanui te iwi
Ko Te Upoko o te Whenua te marae
Taranaki Boundaries (Not accurate) according to information from Taranaki Regional Council.
Te Korowai o Ngāruahine
E kore au e mate,
Ka mate ko te mate,
Ka mate ko te mate,
Ka ora taku toa
This kōrero is to remind us of the campaign of Titokowaru. ‘E kore au e mate, ka mate ko te mate’ reflects a time when our tupuna fought to the bitter end and even after death, they refused to give up. They refused to die because our existence as Ngāruahine, tangata whenua was