Tēnā rā o ngā pou o ngā kura o Kāhui Ako o Taranaki Mohoao.
Greetings to our people in Taranaki Mohoao.
There are 3 Iwi we most affiliate with in our area (there are 8 Iwi in Taranaki).
The iwi boundaries shown on the map are over-simplified and are not intended as an accurate representation of iwi areas in Taranaki.
Ngati Ruanui
Te Kāhui Maru
Ko Taranaki te maunga
Ko Tokomaru te waka
Ko Awaroa te awa
Ko Ngati Maruwharanui te iwi
Ko Te Upoko o te Whenua te marae
Taranaki Boundaries (Not accurate) according to information from Taranaki Regional Council.
Te Korowai o Ngāruahine
E kore au e mate,
Ka mate ko te mate,
Ka mate ko te mate,
Ka ora taku toa
This kōrero is to remind us of the campaign of Titokowaru. ‘E kore au e mate, ka mate ko te mate’ reflects a time when our tupuna fought to the bitter end and even after death, they refused to give up. They refused to die because our existence as Ngāruahine, tangata whenua was
This original item was composed by Rumatiki Timu, Friday the 2nd of August 2019 for the Taranaki central (Taranaki Mohoao) community of learning. It may be performed as a traditional waiata, sung contemporary with or without a guitar or done as a ngeri. It may performed as presented here, as 4 separate individual waiata or performed in any combination.
Taranaki Mohoao…
Ka takatū nei i te ataata,
o te maunga nekeneke.
Ko ōnā muriwai, aku tongi kōrero
Mai Manganui ki Mangawhero.
Ka huri whakauta…
ki Whangamomona, tērā te hononga
ki te awa tupua.
Hokihoki pēnei mai, te Whakaihuwaka
Ki Makahu, Mangaehu ki Patea.
Ka ahu whakarunga…
ka ahu whakararo ki te ara tapuwae
o Ruaputahanga.
Tōnā puna roimata, tōnā puni pō tahi.
Titia tō piki amokura.
Taranaki Mohoao…
Purutia tō mana, whakamau rerepene
Mō te papa pōwira.
Pūtake whakarunga, pūtake whakararo
ki te Whai-ao, ki te Ao-marama.
Taranaki Mohoao, purutia tō mana
Itaita mau tonu Hi!
Central Taranaki community of learning is,Driving education, underneath the shadow,of the moving mountain, whose backwaters form our district
from Manganui to Mangawhero.
I turn inland,
To Whangamomona, my connection
To the mystical river (Whanganui).
Returning to mount Humphries,
To Makahu, Mangaehu to Patea rivers.
I look to the heavens,
I look to the earth to the historical path
Of Ruaputahanga, Seeing her spring of tears
and her overnight resting place.
An uplifting source of courage & inspiration.
Central Taranaki
make your presence known, suitably equipped
and conditioned to your environment,
mentally and physically prepared
to take on the world.
Central Taranaki, make your presence known,
Permanently established
This original item was composed by Rumatiki Timu, Saturday the 3nd of August 2019 for the Taranaki central (Taranaki Mohoao) community of learning. The tune was borrowed from Paul Overstreet & Don Schlitz country hit song “Forever and ever Amine”, recorded and released by Randy Travis in March 1987. I have phrased the English translation so that it may also be sung.
Ko wai tēnei Kāhui Ako?
Ko Taranaki Mohoao mātou.
Ngā ringaringa raupā,
ngā waewae mākūkū
Tuku manaakitanga ki te katoa.
Whakapiri mai, whakatata mai,
aku itinga, aku rahinga.
He waka eke noa,
hoe tahi nei tātou,
mō ake tonu, Āmene.
Who is this community of learning?
We are Central Taranaki.
Open hands of creation,
across our region
Sharing & caring for one & for all.
Whakapiri mai, whakatata mai,
aku itinga, aku rahinga.
He waka eke noa,
hoe tahi nei tātou,
Unified, we all stand together
regardless if we are few or many.
It is a righteous cause
standing shoulder to shoulder
For ever and ever, Amine