Te Kāhui Ako o Taranaki Mohoao Teacher Only Day 2023

10th March 2023

We finally got to hold our Teacher Only Day, in person, at Stratford Primary School this year. Third time lucky! We had a great day with keynote speakers Elizabeth Schaw from the Ministry of Education who took us through the Curriculum Refresh and Rob Cope spoke about the ‘Informed and Empowered’ online safety program that schools will be working their way through this year. We also had a range of great break out speakers who shared their knowledge so it was a great day!

Thank you to all that took the time to fill out our feedback form. We had some great feedback about our speakers and some constructive feedback to help us plan for future events. 
A common theme coming through from the responses was the opportunity to meet and build relationships within our Kāhui Ako community. The questions asked was;
What was most useful from the day?

  • Reconnecting with and meeting new people in our Kāhui Ako
  • Connections and relationships with colleagues from other schools.
  • Enjoyed the chat with staff from other schools.
  • Meeting teachers from other schools.
  • Networking with other teachers.
  • Great to see what other teachers are finding successful in their classrooms.
  • Connecting with other leaders across our Kāhui Ako.

Leadership Hui 2023

7th March 2023

First Leadership hui of the year. Our ASLs and Ben shared our 2022 data collation for PAT Maths, e.asttle writing and Me and My School. Lots of great conversations and next steps formulated for the kāhui and individual kura. We also welcomed Lisa new Tumuaki at Avon and Allana new AP at Stratford High School.